Surviving Summer - By Chynna Hansen

Hey Little Mama!

We surviving summer?! It's a lot, right? Woof.

I love it AND it requires mom to be ON at all times, 24 hours a day -- cleaning, playing, feeding the masses, entertaining, and parenting. And for those of us who work out of the home or in the home, that's a whole different story trying to juggle it all!

Our family took a little getaway to Destin a few weeks ago (highly recommend for a family vacation, btw!) and I was reminded of how important it is to slow down and just BE every once in a while.

No agenda, no hustling, no work. 

The thing with breaks is, I don't think I ever realize how badly I need one until I actually take one. As moms, we're just running on fumes most of the time. I don't think we ever actually notice how desperately we need to take our foot off the gas every now and again.

I know summer is crazy! The party and the chaos never stops! And it's fun, and it flies by, and we'll miss it dearly someday.

But sometimes you just need a break.

Don't wait to take a break until you're forced to. Find a way to intentionally rest or escape, even if you have to line up the stars and moon to make it happen. It is so important.

Take care of you so you can take care of them.




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