Magical Moments to Last a Lifetime- By Rachel Kromka
As a first time mom, it never crosses my mind about how fast my little one has been growing over the past 11 months she’s been on this planet. Those moments are so special and something I want to document to keep forever, so she can look back on them and show her little ones if she decided to have them of her own. There are so many special moments with my little one, this blog would go on forever! So let's take a dive into a couple moments with my little one. The first moment, that will forever take place in my heart, was the day my little one was born. This moment was not only magical for me, it was also magical for my husband. We never thought we would both cry when our first little one was born. That day, we both cried and fell so in love with her. My husband of course will never admit that a single tear came down his face, but my mother and I both were able to witness that special moment. The way she held onto my one finger with her tiny little hands, I couldn’t believe that she was really there on my chest breathing. I can’t forget the feeling that came over me and how much love I had for her! Now that she’s 11 months old, I think back to that day and think to myself wow I did that. I gave birth to a perfect daughter and I am so blessed she’s in my life. Not only was giving birth to her a magical moment in my life, but being able to have both my mom and husband there for the delivery was very special as well. The bond my daughter and mom have is beyond this world. Even though we moved eight hours away from our family, they still have this bond that no one else has. My little one and her grandmother share something, she and I won’t have. We have a different mother daughter bond that is very special as well. Not only will giving birth be one of my top special moments with her, I know there are going to be so many more to come.
With all the hard times with having a little one, comes the good times with them. With all the times you want to give up, there are moments that make you forget all those hard times. Looking back over the past eleven months with my little one, I think to myself how fast time has gone. You always hear the saying, “love this age while they’re still young,next thing you know they will be eighteen and wanting to move out.” That saying is so beyond true. It feels just like yesterday I was finding out I was having a give, then giving birth to her. The funny thing is, that’s not so much a magical moment, how much you forget about the birthing part. That must be why some people have another right after each other. I know for myself I thought about it a couple of times. But anyways, back to a couple more magical moments. I think another magical moment, or should I say moments, is the first. The first time they smile, the first time they walk. Those small to large milestones really are so special to see. I still can remember the first time my little one rolled over. I was doing my morning pump session and just happened to see in the corner of my eye her moving back and forth; from side to side. Next thing I know, she decided it was time. She looked at me then rolled over from her back to her stomach. I started to cry. I didn’t think she would grow up so fast. As she got older the more she was able to do. Sadly my husband couldn’t witness her rolling over for the first time due to his job. However, she was able to witness more magical moments with her. To add to the first of things. I think another special moment was when she said “mama” and “dada” for the first time. I can’t get over how cute that was!
Most mom’s, not all, will say breastfeeding your little one is such a special moment. I will admit at first I was in love with breastfeeding my daughter. The bond with that is something I can’t explain in writing. However, I have had my ups and downs with breastfeeding. I still breastfeed till this day, but the bond we have now is so much stronger then it was before. I know talking with my best friend, she had a different experience with it then me. But the way your body creates food for your little ones is such a beautiful and magical moment. To add to that, they way you give birth and they just know what to do, at least in my personal experience. But don’t give up on breastfeeding to those mama’s who feel defeated. After giving birth to my daughter, I was able to latch her on and feed her for two hours. Right before that moment, I didn’t think I could do it but I did. After that first latch, I just fell more and more in love with myself and her. That moment of realizing how much body just did all this is so special.
Just know these moments will go by so fast and love, cherish, and be grateful in that moment. I know sometimes it isn’t easy, however I look back and think how special it has been to grow with my little one and create these special moments. With how my husband's job is, we both really take these magical moments to heart. I can’t wait to continue with these memories and capture them when I can. Like I mentioned before, they grow up so fast, so stay in those moments. Life is too short to not celebrate the little things and to create those memories.